Happy Holidays from the Tin Star Saloon!

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And just like that, Ben kicked off the December 10 Tin Star Jam.

How better to start of the Jam than with Case Tanner and one of his playing partners. Here's Heather and a bit of, what?
Retro grundge? Fun, however you want to label it.

Who says drummers can't be cool?

We had an unusually rich batch of, how shall we put this ...
interesting locals show up last night.

After about an hour, a version of
Down By The River seemed to just coalesce out of the flotsam of musicians drifting in out out. It had kind of a dreamy feel to it. No, I don't mean nightmare. The other kind of dreamy. A bit rough around the edges, perhaps, but kind of nice anyhow.

Lovely ladies. We've come to expect, no;
anticipate them showing up for the Wednesday jams.

You know, there is so much material from any given Wednesday jam that I have trouble deciding what to put up on the blog, versus what to leave on the cutting room floor.
I already hear you, Ray, thinking "
Leave *all* of it on the cutting room floor!"
Can't do that. There's lot of good stuff that comes out of a jam. You'll see. Some day.
Just joking. For example, this guy did lots of
good stuff last night: Ric Lloyd. Ric always does lots of good stuff. Thanks for joining us last night!

As always, thanks to everybody who showed up last night! As usual, no animals were hurt during the filming of this production.
See you next time.