Sunday, August 31, 2008

Nora McMahon's Schedule Before Departure

Miss Nora will grace us with three last performances in New Mexico before embarking on a new journey.
She is leaving on September 24th for Santa Rosa Junior College in California to earn her Associate Degree in Music.
Come out and enjoy the sweet sounds of Nora McMahon. Show your support and wish her well on her next adventure.
We can all say we knew her before she took flight and soared!

September 5, Friday, 7:00 pm
Savoy, Albuquerque

September 14, Sunday, 8:00 pm
Cowgirl, Santa Fe

September 18, Thursday, 9:30 pm
Tin Star Saloon, Santa Fe

Friday, August 29, 2008

Fat Tuesday Tin Star Tonight! Friday

Big Easy End Of Summer Blast, bring your beads and get Bonified Friday Aug 29th! 9.00!
Thanks again everyone for suporting us and helping us have a great 1st summer
Tin Star
411 W Water Street

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Wednesday's 8-27 Tin Star Jam

It was that kind of an evening at the Tin Star, last night.

Click any picture to enlarge, click the play button to listen to a music link.

The women were friendly.



Oh, and friendly.

The guys were kind of digging it.

Inside, Ben was, as always, maintaining his cool while running the jam.

There was the usual socializing.

And playing.

Here's a bit of King of the Road from early in the evening.

Come on out and join us next Wednesday.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Mud Ponies at the Tin Star last Sunday

The Mud Ponies get together once a year at Indian Market to play. Last Sunday they were at the Tin Star, and it was a party. Unfortunately I had to leave before some of the local famous people, like Wes Studi and his wife showed up. Another photographer got a picture of them & sent it to me, though.

Click any picture to enlarge, click the play button to listen to a music link.

Check it out, here's a bit of one of their early numbers.

They sounded pretty good to Laura.

Everybody was having a good time.

Roque was there, supplying his award-winning Carnitas.

The players.

Next year I'm staying for the whole party...


Monday, August 25, 2008

The Mud Ponies

The post for last night's performance by the Mud Ponies will be up later today.


Friday, August 22, 2008

Shenanigans at last Wednesday's jam

I wasn't going to mention this, because after all, this is a "PG" rated program. However, there were some shenanigans going on at one of the tables during last Wednesday night's jam:

Consensual Sax

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Wednesday's 8-20 Tin Star Jam

Last night a bunch of people showed up to help "Freaky Que Suave" Freddie Lopez celebrate his birthday. Freddie wasn't making a big deal out of it, but we enjoyed helping him celebrate.

Happy Birthday Freddie!

Click any picture to enlarge, click the play button to listen to a music link.

An extra helping of Santa Fe's and Albuquerque's very own musicians showed up for the occasion. I won't try to name them all, but you will recognize them when you see their pictures. We kicked off the evening with some good old-fashioned blues.

Here are some of the players:

A bit later in the evening the musical herd had thinned out some, and Murali, perhaps saddened by having noted the ravages that time had wreaked on Freddie, kicked off a tear-jerking version of St. James Infirmary Blues.

Craig revived our spirits by following with some Jump And Jive.

It made Ray want to bust a move.

Tone said that Ray's move hurt his eyes.

It knocked Neil's hat sideways.


The crowd all agreed that it would probably be best if Ray kept his moves to himself from now on.

He plays a pretty mean guitar, though. Seriously, Ray: we love ya!

Glad you could all make it out last night to help Freddie celebrate! See you next time.


Wednesday's 8-20 Tin Star Jam

The post for last night's jam will be up later today.


Saturday, August 16, 2008

Pete Springer and Don Curry last night at the Tin Star

The Tin Star Saloon is a class act. We're always having sophisticated people stop by. Last night it was Paul Newman and his attractive companion who dropped in for a listen.

Click any picture to enlarge, click the play button to listen to a music link.

The band cooked up some great stuff -- the music was terrific and the bar was full of happy people. Not everybody was cheerful, though:
Maybe next time his owner will let him come in too.

Pete Springer, Don Curry, and Andy on drums cranked out good classic rock all evening long. Check out this Tom Petty number.




See how many other Santa Fe musicians you can recognize in these pictures.

Earlier in the evening we stopped in at the Second Street Brewery to hear Dave Waldrop's new band, The Gumbo Project. Check them out here. Hope to hear you guys sometime soon at the Tin Star, Dave.

Thanks, everybody! See you the next time.
