Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wednesday's 9-24 Tin Star Jam

There were more musicians than you could shake a stick at last night, and they were still coming in the door when I finally left shortly after 1am. Many of the usual suspects showed up, far too numerous to name.

Click any picture to enlarge, click the play button to listen to a music link.

There were a few new faces as well. Hope you fellows come back again. Here's a bit of Stormy Monday, led by one of the newcomers: Michael in the red shirt, below.


Here's a guy we had not seen in a while: Daniel Talache. He is one hell of a blues guitar player and singer. Good to see you again, Daniel.

The gentleman with the orange cap and little red guitar was visiting from Ohio. He led us off on this number.

We had a kick-ass percussion section for much of the evening. Check them out.

The crowd seemed to enjoy themselves again. Thanks everybody for stopping by the Tin Star jam last night!


Monday, September 22, 2008

Picking grapes north of Los Luceros, NM

Nothing to do with music. A friend of mine owns a small winery in Los Luceros, north of Espanola. We sometimes help him pick his grapes at the end of the season.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Santa Fe's Hottest New Band

Santa Fe's hottest new band: The Pull Out Boy premiered last night at the Tin Star.

Click any picture to enlarge, click the play button to listen to a music link.

It was hot.

It was rock'n.

Absinthe may have been a factor,

but mainly it was just some damn fine music performed by some damn fine musicians.

Kenny Valdez, Case Tanner, and Eric George.
How did you come up with that catchy name for your band, guys?

We'll be looking for you next time, at the Tin Star.


Friday, September 19, 2008

Nora's Tin Star Gig

Tony took some pictures of Nora McMahon's gig last night at the Tin Star. Drummer Milton made a surprise visit back from New York City, so we had the whole crew on hand for her last (for a while anyhow) Santa Fe gig before she moves to California later this month.

So long, Nora - we'll miss you. I enjoyed playing with your band this past year.


Steppen' Out Tonight, 9-19 at the Tin star

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wednesday's 9-17 Tin Star Jam


That's what people were feeling last night at the Tin Star jam.

Click any picture to enlarge, click the play button to listen to a music link.

We had some happy music, too. Ben kicked us off with a mellow jazz-funk piece. A bit later Tom Kendrot generously opened up The Wonder to four of us for solos: Ray on guitar (welcome back, Ray), Lance on flute, me on tenor sax, and Freddie on harp.

In general, last night was a good night to come out and play

or dance

Or just hang out.

Hope to see you there next week.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Also, Hillary Smith and the GT’s

One more performance you don't want to miss!

Friday, September 26th at the Tin Star, 9:30pm.

Here is her URL, some cuts from her new CD playing there;


Last Chance to see Nora this Thursday

This Thursday is Nora McMahon's last appearance in Santa Fe -- she's moving to California. Come see her this Thursday at the Tin Star, 9:00pm.


Later This Week

Don't be shy, come on out to Tin Star jam this Wednesday, 9:00pm.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Wednesday's 9-10 Tin Star Jam

It was a good time last night.

Click any picture to enlarge, click the play button to listen to a music link.

We started off with some nice music by Victor Avila and friends. Here they are:

A bit later the horns all got up with the rest of the group and banged out a few numbers. Here's a bit of that.

The sounds seemed to be met with general approval.

If not downright amusement (we're used to that).

Joining us last night were our friends Freaky Freddy Lopez




and Oscar.

Always glad to see you guys at the Tin Star!

We can't forget the usual suspects who managed to slip by the doorman again:

Also, there was this lady with legs who kept blowing Frank's horn. Do we have a budding new trumpet player in the house?

Our bar tenders were their usual delightful selves.

Around midnight Ben and I (pictured below with the lovely Laura)

joined a young gentleman for a couple of numbers. I'm sorry that I did not get his name, as he has a very nice voice. Please join us again at the Tin Star jam, mystery singer! Here's one of his songs.

Nice job running the jam as usual, Ben. Ray, come on home -- we miss you!

