Interesting night, last night. It was a real jam. Translated: some of the music was pretty good; some was a bit rough. Here's some of the good. As requested by someone who left a comment on the previous post, here's Naiz, Case Tanner, Ray Dera, Britt on drums, and me letting Naiz lead us on Stevie Ray Vaughn's
Tin Pan Alley.
Click any picture to enlarge, click the play button to listen to a music link.

More good stuff: Tony Buford was there and jumped in to join us on
this reggae piece.

Serena, the Dolphin Diva made a
return appearance.

Earlier in the evening a group calling themselves
Front Range, from Taos played a few numbers. Here's
a taste of their music.

As I implied up above, there were some rough bits here and there throughout the evening as well as the good bits. One of these days I'll give you a "rough bit", just to show you what I mean.
But not today. To get the full live flavor of the jam, you will still have to come on out to the Tin Star on a Wednesday night.
And speaking of coming out: we had a full house again last night, including a mystery woman who came all the way from Dallas, just to hear us play! People from Dallas seem so friendly...

There was the usual dancing

Serious discussions


And clustering around studly bass players.

In other words, it was a good time.
See you at the next one.