Teri True and the Groove Tribe will be throwin’ down the New Orleans Funk at the Tin Star tonight, down beat 9’ish – special guest Mike Chavez on drums. A special appearance of the Hillstopmers jazzy street band, who will be leading a Mardi Gras pub crawl through the streets of Santa Fe, will end up at the Tin Star around 10:30.
If crawling is not your thing, then we suggest you come down early and get a seat, but what ever you do, don’t miss out on the fun!
What is Fat Tuesday? Fat Tuesday is Mardi Gras, the festival New Orleans is famous for. "Gras" is French for fat and "Mardi" is French for Tuesday.
Mardi Gras is a legal holiday in New Orleans. It is scheduled to occur 46 days before Easter. Since the actual date Easter occurs on changes yearly, Mardi Gras can happen on any Tuesday between February 3 and March 9.
Mardi Gras has grown in popularity in recent years as a raucous, sometimes hedonistic event, but its roots lie in the Christian calendar, as the "last hurrah" before Lent begins on Ash Wednesday.
In other words, Fat Tuesday is a last chance party excuse before a six-week period of abstinence (wow – that’s serious). This is your excuse to party with us!