Monday, April 27, 2009

No Jam tonight

The acoustic jam will not be held tonight.

Instead: LADIES HIP HOP NIGHT 9pm Guys $7, Ladies 2/$10

So, since there is no jam tonight, I'll just take the opportunity to introduce a little topical swine flu humor.

Click to Enlarge


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Last Wednesday's Jam

What do


Have to do with Wednesday's Tin Star Jam?

Nothing, but at last we didn't spring this on you right off the bat.

Click a picture to enlarge, click a music link to listen.

Appearances can be deceiving. Everybody actually had a good time Wednesday night.

Ever wonder what the jam looks like from the drummer's perspective?

The musicians had their usual good time as well. Here's Mike Montiel leading C'est La Vie.

See you next week.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Come on in, the Tin Star is

Click a picture to enlarge, click a music link to listen.

Such an uptight collection of musicians: 1,4, 2, 5 -- in the key of H.
Not again!

See you tonight at Ben Lucero's Master Jam.


Monday, April 20, 2009

Jams this Week

Tonight: the Tin Star acoustic jam, hosted by Mike Montiel.
Wednesday: Ben Lucero's Master jam.

See you there.



Saturday, April 18, 2009

Last Monday's Acoustic Jam

I got slammed at work this week -- I couldn't go to Wednesday's Tin Star jam, and I am just now getting to Monday's acoustic jam.

That's a good thing, in a way, because there was some real nice music last Monday, and today I have time to put some of it up for you to enjoy.

Click a picture to enlarge, click a sound link to listen.

Does this picture make my nose look big?

We'll start off with a nice jazzy number called Azulito , led by Craig Small.

Several of us joined in: Case Tanner on upright bass, Lance Hedden on flute and soprano sax, Britt on drums, and me with tenor sax.

Next Craig launched us off on a bit of Jumpin' Jive. Mike Montiel jumped in too.

Then for a complete change in pace, Doug McKenzie Pierce pulled out his fiddle and showed us a bit of traditional Americana.

One more final bit of music from the jam: Guy leading a Stevie Ray number. As Case can be heard saying at the end: "Nice couple of tunes you guys did there!".

Hey, it's a jam.

See you next week.


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Wednesday's 4-8 Jam


There was plenty of it last night. Let's get right to it -- Jimmy Russell, a Santa Fe musician dropped in and played a few tunes with us.

Click a picture to enlarge, click a music link to play.

Here's Jimmy leading off Sweet Home Chicago.

He was joined by Ben, Danny, and Case.

We had many of the regulars show up last night.

Towards the end of the session we had a bit of a treat. Gordy, leader of the Gordon Free Band showed up around 12:30am with his sax player, Richard Hardy from LA. Gordy's band is, you know: the real thing. Just to give you a feel for the extensive background of some of his band members, here's a brief bio of Richard:

Richard Hardy (Woodwinds/Sax) is a Pop, Jazz & Rock musician who has performed with the Dave Matthews Band, Stevie Ray Vaughan, James Taylor, Neville Brothers, the Ultra-Kinetic Orchestra, the Denver Symphony & toured with Carole King for 13 years. He’s also performed on IMAX “Everest” and “Dolphins” (with Sting).

What the bio doesn't say is that Richard is also a real nice guy. Gordy (also a real nice guy) invited a few of us to come up and play a couple of numbers from his new album, Super Conscious, to be released next month. Here's the first one, with Alan on guitar; Britt on drums; Ben on bass; Gordy, vocals and guitar; Richard (soprano & tenor sax, tin whistle); and me (tenor sax). Here's another. Don't worry, they sound a lot better on the record without us hacks mucking around.

Check out Gordy's web site for more info:

Until next time,


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Monday's Acoustic Jam

There will be a slight delay before we get the audio portion of last night's jam up. Yours truly left the recorder at the Tin Star, where it duly recorded 3 hours worth of post closing silence last night after the jam. Unfortunate, because Mike Montiel and Case Tanner (on upright bass last night) were making some nice sounds. I'll pick the recorder up tomorrow night.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Events this week


Lots of music going on in Santa Fe this week. There's tonight's Acoustic Jam at the Tin Star, of course, and Ben Lucero's Master Jam on Wednesday.

Something to do before the Wednesday jam would be to go see our Friends Tony Buford and Brandy Herbert:


Weekly at 7pm on Wednesday
(Timezone: Mountain Time)

You can also see Tony and Brandy this Friday 7 - 9 at the Green Tea House.

Click image to enlarge


Thursday, April 2, 2009

This Week's Wednesday Jam

Calypso, Mon. The EyeLand. Yes, we had a Caribbean moment last night.

Click a picture to enlarge. Click a music link to play.

We also had Ray's new Robo-Guitar, complete with flashing lights and little Borg-style twirling motorized thingies that tuned it to whatever piece of music happened to be playing at the time. Or something like that.

On top of that, we had three or four bucket-loads of other good music last night, but you know what? I don't have time to dig it all out from the 4 hours that I recorded. So, if you want to hear more, you know where to go next Wednesday.

Here are a few pics from last night, though. The usual crowd of conspirators, dancers, musicians, and other varied riff-raff were there. Check it out.

See you next week.
