Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wednesday's 5-20 Jam

Well finally, another jam post.

Pop Quiz: What's music good for?

Click an image to enlarge; click a music link to listen.

Dancing, perhaps.

We were fortunate to have Jimmy Russel join us for a number again last night. You're always welcome at the Tin Star, Jimmy!

What does a guitar player with a broken hand do at a jam?

Yolanda ripping some blues.

Case took up the lead guitar instead of bass for a number. Take a listen.

Then, Tom Kendrot led a group of us on one of his originals, The Wonder.

There was much more, of course. All in all, not a bad Wednesday jam.

Stay with us, folks. The Wednesday jam is still going strong, and the Monday jams will be back after Memorial Day. As always, there are a bunch of great groups playing at the Tin Star. Keep your eyes open for Y.Que, whom I hear will be playing at the TS on Friday, June 5.

'Til next time.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

No Wednesday Jam Post This Week

Due to a severe bad attitude*, there will be no Wednesday jam post this week.

*Disclaimer: My bad attitude has nothing to do with my good friends down at the Tin Star Saloon. On the other hand, it has everything to do with my recent knee surgery. I soaked the offending parts in Crown Royal last night, which helped somewhat.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

No Monday Jams Until June 1

Click to enlarge

Check the Tin Star Music Calendar to see who's playing.

Wendesday's 5-6 Tin Star Jam

Sometimes the jam is like flattened possum guts -- an acquired taste. This week, however, it was more like, say, biscuits & gravy. Or, kettle-cooked potato chips. Or Hamachi Sashimi. Or whatever your own particular favorite comfort food is.

The jam had to be pretty tasty, because some of Santa Fe's fine musicians dropped by to be part of it. Folks like Terry Diers, and Jimmy Russell, and Gordon Free, for example.

Click a picture to enlarge, click a music link to listen.

Unfortunately, the batteries in my recorder died about 5 minutes into the jam, so you will just have to imagine what what this last Wednesday's flavor was!



Monday's 5-4 Acoustic Jam

Not really acoustic, more like soft electric. But fun.

Click a picture to enlarge, click a music link to listen.

We started off with Rudy Smedley leading a number with Mike Montiel, me, and Case.

We were fortunate to have not one, but two keyboard players last Monday.

M&M (Mud & Mary).

Some of the regulars were helping out as well. Thanks Case, thanks Britt, thanks Mike H.

Here's Mike Montiel, Mud, Case, Britt, Rudy, and me in the middle of a fun jazzy bit.

Mary, vocals & keyboard, Mike Handler, Britt doing a quiet number.

There was much more music that I don't have time to post. Like Terry Diers, for example. It's always great when Terry drops by.

A nice crop of folks dropped by to listen last Monday.

Thanks everybody, see you next time! Which, by the way, won't be until June 1. See the Tin Star music calendar for what's happening between now and then.

We'll close out this post with Johnny West doing a bit of Chicago blues.


Monday, May 4, 2009

Jam Tonight!

And we'll keep trying until we get it right!

See you tonight.


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Last Wednesday's Tin Star Jam

I guess being real busy beats the other alternative. Finally, I've found a bit of time to wade through the 3+ hours of music recording, plus a half-bazzilion pictures from last week's Wednesday's initiative. Here's the result:

Click a picture to enlarge, click a music link to listen.

Kind of a funky night, to tell you the truth. Different vibe. Towards the end, we finally recovered enough Zeitgeist to at least get to the end of a jam piece without needing to slink out the back door to escape recognition.

Here, for example is a bit where my friend from Albuquerque kicks in some positive energy.

That's it, ladies & germs. Short post.

See you tomorrow night at the Monday Tin Star acoustic jam.
