It was quiet night, for a change. We had a good collection of musicians, but not too many visitors to the bar. The music kind of reflected this. Check out this nice little piece in G-minor, with Allen on guitar, Ben Lucero on bass, Freddie on harp, Russell on trumpet, Lena on Conga, Joe with percussion, Ben on drums, and me on sax.
UPDATE, 6:48pm, 5-8-2008!! I found another rough gem buried in the pile of experimental leavings from last night. Juan Ortega led us off on a nice little bit of country boogie woogie early on in the evening that I just now had a chance to listen too. Yes, we were having fun. Check it out. Juan will be leading a Sunday night "Cowboy Jam" at the Tin Star -- I'll post more on that when I have more information.

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