Thursday, November 6, 2008

Wednesday's 11-6 Tin Star Jam

Yes, the Wednesday night jam at the Tin Star is fun.

Click any picture to enlarge, click the play button to listen to a music link.

The music is fun. Here's our friend Daniel Talache leading the crew on some blues. Good to see you again, Danny!

A bit later Troy got up on stage and Ben said, "Play something!" So Troy eased into a version of Roger Miller's King of The Road that he does in one of his bands. It must be a bit like driving down the road at 70 miles per hour and having the steering wheel suddenly come off in your hands. Here you are, starting a number that you've done dozens of times with other players who know it, but now you're surrounded by a bunch of yahoos who have never even heard your version. It came out pretty good anyhow, Troy. Come back & do it again -- we'll learn it. We promise!

The BMOC, Ray Dera, our guitar-playing host, who week after week tolerates the wide variety of music and musicians who show up on his doorstep every Wednesday evening.

We like to keep the drummers back in the corner where they can't get into mischief.

Here are some of the other musicians who showed up last Wednesday. A lot of them are regulars.

A first-time jammer!

I remember my first jam. There's a good adrenaline rush involved...

Of course, the jam could not exist without all you people who keep coming out to listen to us.

See you all next week.


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